Custom Residential Metalwork
Custom Dog Kennels in forged iron with patina finish
Copper and Stainless Drive Gate and Fence. Beverly Hills, CA.
Forged Iron Pot Rack with Lights. Tony Ferraro Builder, KS
Aluminum Driveway Gate with Forged Iron Hardware,
Wichita, KS
Forged Iron and Bronze Garden Gate, Hobbs Construction, Sanchez and Maddux Landscape Architects
Forged, Fabricated Bronze Entry Door, Grilles and Surrounds. Shope Reno Wharton Architects. Ken Wilson Builder, Rumson, NJ
Forged Iron Railing. Charles C. Brandt Construction, David Ellison Design Architect, Muller Architects Inc. AOR
Custom Cast and Forged Bronze Railing, Patina Finish, Greg Wyatt Architect, Glen Rose, Texas
Custom Cast and Forged Bronze Railing, Patina Finish, Greg Wyatt Architect, Glen Rose, Texas
Custom Cast and Forged Bronze Railing, Patina Finish, Greg Wyatt Architect, Glen Rose, Texas
Custom Steel Doors, Paint Finish, Greg Wyatt Architect, Glen Rose, Texas
Forged Iron and Bronze Railings, SHope Reno Wharton Architects, Aspen CO
Forged Iron and Bronze Railings, SHope Reno Wharton Architects, Aspen CO
Cast Bronze Theatre Doors, Polished, Bi-Parting on Sliding Hardware, California
Aluminum, Bronze, Steel Balustrade and Belvedere, Paint Finish, Cummin Associates, Landscape Architects, NJ
Bronze and Steel Railing, Arkansas
Cast Bronze Gate, Perch for the Parrot, Patina Finish Bronze
Cast Bronze Parrot, Patina Finish
Contemporary Steel Stair and Railing with Ipe wood treads and handrail. Private Res. Indiana
Stainless Railing, Paint Finish, Private Res. Indiana
Traditonal Bronze and Iron Stair Railing
Traditonal Forged Iron Stair railing with Bronze
Bronze spindles for Spiral Stairs
Custom Aluminum and Glass Greenhouse amd Shade Structure
Thermally Broken Custom Glass and Aluminum Pool House
Custom Glass and Aluminum Pool House
Custom Glass and Aluminum Pool House
Thermally Broken Custom Glass and Aluminum Pool House
Custom Glass and Aluminum Pool House
Custom Glass and Aluminum Pool House
Custom Glass and Aluminum Pool House
Custom Glass and Aluminum Pool House